A “Hollowed-Out” Look: How Tooth Loss Changes the Shape of Your Face

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcosmeticsolution @ 9:53 am
A surprised young man holding a missing tooth

You may think only your smile will suffer if you lose teeth. After all, it’s pretty clear that gaps in your grin aren’t good-looking. Still, your mouth’s appearance isn’t the only thing that declines when teeth go missing. Tooth loss also changes the shape of your face, making it look older than you really are. That’s why dental implants are the ideal fix – they can prevent or reverse this problem! To learn more, let your Cleveland dentist explain in this summary.

Losing Teeth = Weaker Jaw

While tooth loss does make your smile look worse and work poorly, those aren’t its only effects. The problem of missing teeth also weakens your jaw over time.

The issue is that your jaw needs its teeth to maintain its shape. When you chew and bite with a full smile, the resulting stimulus preserves its tissue. That means losing just one or two teeth can slowly shrink and erode your jawbone. If this process isn’t stopped, it’ll lead to facial collapse – a condition that makes your cheeks look hollow.

The Fix for Your Face: Dental Implants

Thankfully, dentistry can prevent and reverse your jaw’s erosion. All you need to do is have dental implants replace your missing teeth.

You see, dental implants fuse with your jawbone. They prompt new bone tissue to grow around them, keeping the posts secure and stable. As a result, modern implants act as alternate tooth roots and provide your jawbone with crucial stimulus. Chewing and biting with them will make (or keep) your face full and firm for years.

Tips on Caring for Dental Implants

Dental implants can only prevent facial collapse if they get proper care. So, make sure to remember and use the following tips:

  • Clean Your Smile at Home – Dental implants can fail if nearby teeth and gums get infected. Given that fact, please brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse with mouthwash often.
  • Avoid Bad Oral Habits – If you chew ice, fingernails, or other hard objects, you may chip your dental implants and cause them to fail. Similarly, using tobacco could lead to gum disease that triggers implant failure.
  • See Your Dentist Often – Through regular dental visits, a dentist can diagnose and treat your minor oral issues before big ones harm your new teeth.

Tooth loss changes the shape of your face, but that only applies when you lack treatment. Talk to your dental provider about dental implants as a solution!

About the Practice

Dental & Cosmetic Solutions is based in Cleveland, OH. Led by Dr. Andrea Csok, our practice cares for patients of all ages with high-quality dentistry. Whether you need preventive, cosmetic, or restorative smile work, we’ll do the job quickly and smoothly. Our office can even provide you with dental implants that restore your smile! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (216)-292-3600.

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