What Happens If Missing Teeth Aren’t Replaced?

January 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcosmeticsolution @ 8:54 pm

a person with a missing toothFor months, you continue to pull back your lip to view the gaping hole in your mouth. Once, you possessed a complete smile that gave you great confidence, but now, you find yourself remaining tight-lipped as much possible. You know you need to get it replaced but continually find reasons to put it off. Time, money, necessity are all excuses that can lead to worsening oral health problems if left untreated. To better understand the negative impact missing teeth can have on your smile and overall appearance, hear from a local dentist who explains the process and why dental implants in Pepper Pike can prevent these changes from occurring.

What Can Happen if Missing Teeth Are Not Replaced?

Whether you are missing one, multiple, or all your teeth, allowing the sockets in your mouth to remain vacated for too long can have lasting consequences on your smile. Although not immediately, as time passes, serious problems can develop in your mouth that can impact your bite, smile, and overall appearance. Some of these include:

  • Misalignment of your bite (malocclusion): In an attempt to close the gap, your healthy teeth will shift, ultimately causing your bite to become misaligned. This will cause them to become crooked and leave a partial gap in your smile.
  • Overgrowth of opposing teeth: No matter if the missing tooth is on the bottom or top row, the natural one opposite of the gap will begin to grow longer to try and compensate.
  • Bone resorption: If there is no tooth to continually stimulate the jawbone, it will begin to weaken and deteriorate over time. This can lead to a change in your appearance, as your lips and cheeks will begin to “sink in.”

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically implanted into your jawbone. They mimic your natural tooth root, so you don’t have to worry about bone resorption as a result. They are composed of three parts: the implant (post), metal abutment, and customized restoration. It can be a dental crown, implant bridge, or implant-retained denture that restores your smile.

Why Are They Considered the Best?

Unlike traditional dentures or a fixed bridge, dental implants offer a multitude of benefits that cannot be achieved with any other tooth replacement alternative. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved appearance
  • Boost in confidence level
  • No chance of decay
  • Better oral health
  • Longevity (implants can last 30+ years with proper care)
  • Easy to maintain and clean
  • Full functionality when eating, chewing, and speaking
  • Fewer food restrictions
  • Natural look and feel

Don’t let the gaps in your smile hang around any longer. Talk to your dentist about whether you are an eligible candidate for dental implants.

About the Author
Dr. Vladimir Pastouk has more than two decades of dentistry experience. Graduating from the Kiev Medical University School of Dentistry in Ukraine in 1991, he relocated to the United States and was employed at the University Hospitals of Cleveland. Later on, he attended The Advanced Standing Program at the College of Dentistry at Nova Southeastern University in Florida and eventually, completed a year-long program in modern dental implantology and advanced bone grafting in Atlanta. At Dental & Cosmetic Solutions, he and his team believe in restoring smiles for patients battling tooth loss. Offering dental implants, he provides start-to-finish treatment, making the process more convenient for his patients. To learn more, contact us at (216) 292-3600.

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